premature baby

美 [ˌpriːməˈtʃʊr ˈbeɪbi]英 [ˈpremətʃə(r) ˈbeɪbi]
  • 网络早产婴儿
premature babypremature baby


an infant that is born prior to 37 weeks of gestation
Synonym: preterm baby premature infant preterm infant preemie premie


  1. A Premature baby that the High Court ruled should be left to die by hospital doctors has survived against the odds .


  2. The research by Israeli doctors suggests 30 minutes of Mozart a day helps put on the pounds which if you are a premature baby is what you need to do .


  3. Nowadays a premature baby has a very good chance of survival .


  4. The premature baby is doing well .


  5. A small , premature baby may be too weak to nurse .


  6. Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby .


  7. He had underdeveloped lungs , like a premature baby .


  8. To realize the value of one month : Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby .


  9. To Realize The Value Of One Month , Ask A Mother Who Has Given Birth To A Premature Baby .


  10. She had a premature baby which was born at35 weeks .


  11. Effect Observation of Curing Premature Baby of Scleredema by Coordinating Massage into Chinese Medicine Dipping


  12. To realise the value of one month , ask the mother who has given birth to a premature baby .


  13. To realize the value of ONE MONTH , ask a monther who gave birth to a premature baby .


  14. In one case , 540,000 renminbi was raised in three days to help save a premature baby in Hubei Province , Ms. Wu said .


  15. Through the research of easy-infection of premature baby , to analyse the necessity and the rationality of prophylactic use of antibiotics in premature infants .


  16. Pregnant smokers are more likely to have a miscarriage or premature baby , while after birth children are more likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome .


  17. The spread of intensive care units for infants has especially favored the survival of small and premature baby boys , the research found , because boys were more vulnerable across a range of weights .


  18. When a female smoker does get pregnant , she runs a significantly higher risk of delivering a premature baby , a low-weight full-term baby , a baby with poor lung function , bronchitis or asthma .


  19. The result showed that NST is one method of survillances to predict prognosis . If result of NST is NST NR and complicated with other abnormal results of fetal placental testing , the prognosis would be poor especial for premature baby .


  20. The incidence of severe asphyxiation , NRDS , cerebral hemorrhage and mortality of premature baby of cesarean decreased significantly in comparation with that of vaginal delivery ( P 0 05 ) . Colligation learning ability in cesarean was better than that of vaginal delivery ( P 0 05 ) .


  21. For its underdeveloped economy , weak industry and the drawback itself , the personal income tax would be doomed to be an inborn premature delivery baby , and pass peacefully away finally .


  22. Born three and a half months premature , baby Ward Miles did not have the easiest start in life but thanks to the love of his parents and endless dedication of doctors and nurses , the little fighter pulled through .


  23. Conclusions Early family interference to premature can improve baby 's intelligent development .


  24. Clinical Characteristics and Prognostic Factors of Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Premature Test Tube Baby


  25. Objective To study clinical characteristics and prognostic factors of respiratory distress syndrome ( RDS ) in premature test tube baby .


  26. In comparison between the two groups , the incidence of moderate and severe gestational hypertension , polyhydramnios , premature rupture of membranes , premature and macrosomia baby was lower in 1998 group than those in 1994-1995 group , and the mean neonatal body weight was also significantly lowered .


  27. Conclusion With personalized nursing care for the premature babies , attention should be paid to the physical and mental needs of the family ( the parents and their premature baby as a whole ), and their needs should be reasonably satisfied .
